<transcy>What is BLUE light?</transcy>

For years now, almost everyone has heard of “blue” light and the damage it does or does not cause.
But how many times have you wondered what it is and if it actually concerns you and deserves attention? I will try to clarify the subject below.
BLUE light is a component of the visible spectrum between 380 and 490 nm
As emerged from a study published in July 2018 by the University of Toledo in the journal Nature, these electromagnetic waves, which are called HEV (High Energy Visible) are not shielded by any of our ocular media and have an energy content very close to the threshold of 3.49 eV, at which cellular covalent bonds are broken and permanent tissue damage is caused.
It has been measured that the greatest phototoxic damage occurs for wavelengths between 415 and 455 nm, with a maximum at 435 nm . In addition to the incidence that this radiation can have on certain degenerative ocular diseases, the low wavelengths spread more in the eye and, combined with glare and consequent loss of contrast, this causes a lack of focus.
It is as if the eye is continually seeking focus, resulting in increased visual fatigue, dry eye and other ailments.
Again in terms of electromagnetic band, beyond 465 nm we speak of band instead chronobiological of the spectrum and is essential to regulate i circadian rhythms which regulate sleep / wake alternation, pupillary reflex, hormonal cycle, mood ...
So to conclude, it is true that within the visible first there are dangerous wavelengths, as well as other beneficial ones. In the next posts we will see what behaviors and solutions allow us to better protect ourselves from this type of radiation.

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